Why I am a Minor [pdf copy] Holding Fast that which is Good During the 1980’s, I earned advanced engineering degrees in metallurgy at the Colorado School of Mines (CSM), a mining school established in 1874. As part of my undergraduate studies, I received training in how to profitably extract [1] an ounce of gold from[…]
Category: Stewardship
Why send Mary
In response to my testimony about the A.N.N.A call gathering October 7 & 8, 2016, I was asked to clarify my understanding of woman and priesthood. Included below is an edited version my reply. —– I do not know of any scriptures which speak of women serving in the priesthood offices as outlined in Section 17:8a-12b,[…]
An Appointment with the Woman I Would Marry
Upon arriving at Graceland College in Lamoni, Iowa, in the fall of 1978 I had a dream of the woman I would marry someday that continues to increase my understanding and appreciation of marriage. Most importantly, it continues to focus my attention on our Lord’s commitment to marriage and His personal involvement in this sacred[…]
Give Sacrificially
Mark 12 47 And after this, Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury; and many that were rich cast in much. 48 And there came a certain poor widow, and she cast in two mites, which make a farthing. 49 And Jesus called his disciples, and[…]
Why ticks
The following excerpt is from an e-mail I wrote the night of September 11-12, 2014 to one of my nieces about spiritual ticks and what God’s creation can teach us about spiritual hygiene. Earlier that week I learned that Faren Charles Persall, a good friend of mine from our high school days, had passed away[…]
Why do bad things happen in the world?
The possibility for both good and evil to occur in the world is the result of God’s unique ability and decision to create stewards who actually have the capacity to be stewards over that which He entrusts into their care (cf. Matthew 21:35-56). That is, God has created both angels and men and women to hold stewardship responsibilities before Him[…]