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Testimony: All Nations North America (ANNA) & All Tribes DC

Upon waking on August 31, I received a gracious invitation to fast. It was a quiet word of faith accompanied with a peaceable assurance. Because I had so much work to accomplish that day for my business, I soon found myself focusing on how best to go about getting everything done that I felt pressing[…]

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“Why hast thou forsaken me?” – Part 2

[printable version] Stephen’s dying requests provide us with valuable insight into Jesus’ concluding question on the cross, “Why hast thou forsaken me?” And they stoned Stephen; and he, calling upon God, said, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge.[…]

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Why divisions – Part 1

Why divisions – Part 1: “Are Ye Not Carnal?” (Updated February 14, 2016) Why are there so many divisions in the church? Is it not because we are yet carnal? This was the reason Paul, the Apostle of Jesus Christ, identified for the divisions in the church at Corinth (cf. I Corinthians 1:10). For ye are[…]

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Why persecutions

Today (November 2, 2014) our congregation joined others throughout the world in observing the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. We began with a sacrament charge by Seventy Gary Whiting in preparation of our partaking of the Lord’s Supper together.  Brother Gary spoke on persecution based on Jesus’ words found in John 15, words that Jesus spoke just prior to His betrayal and[…]