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Why The Book of Mormon is the New Covenant: Part 3 – Is Not This Joseph’s Son?

[pdf of Draft Version] [pdf of Expanded Version] Introduction – Expanded Version Jesus Christ was assumed by many to have been fathered by Joseph, the carpenter of Nazareth. Similarly, the Book of Mormon was assumed by many to have been authored or “fathered” by Joseph Smith Jr. In both instances, the presumed “father” was named[…]

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Why We Believe: God is the God of the living

Note: Bible references included in this post are mainly from the King James Version. The intent in using this particular English translation is to show that the subject matter is clearly represented in commonly available and accepted scriptural texts. Jesus Christ declared:  God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. (Matthew[…]

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Why Emmaus

In watching the short movie “The Road to Emmaus” recently, I was reminded of the wonder of Jesus spending considerable time with two of His disciples on the day He rose from the dead (Luke 24). It was on this most unique of days that Jesus had gained victory over death and the grave. It[…]